our team

Our Skilled Leaders

The committee is responsible for the development of all publicity and communication materials that are published or displayed by the Association. The committee advises the Association on all matters related to communication, branding and visibility. They oversee production of print materials, social media and website contents. They market and issue communiques, reports and presentations at conferences, workshops and symposia organized by the AKEFEMA.

They link the association with strategic partners and vet interested partners.

Mr.John Gathogo

Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee Chairman

Mr.John Gathogo

Position: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee Chairman
Categories: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee

Miriam Maina

Position: Member
Categories: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee

Joyce Kibiru

Position: Member
Categories: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee

Reginah Gakera

Position: Member
Categories: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee

Dr. Gakuo Mwangi

Position: Member
Categories: Publicity, Marketing and Liaison Committee